colourful words and phrases

techy tangents and general life chatter from a tired sysadmin

Basher – Privacy Policy

This document describes the privacy policy for the Android app "Basher", published to the Google Play store under fully-qualified name

Data Collection

Basher does not collect any data. The app does not contain any telemetry code whatsoever, and does not collect any other form of data.

Network Access

Basher, by virtue of its function as an Android-native interface for certain quote databases such as, and the XKCD IRC quotes database, requires network access to perform GET requests to the domains and IP addresses associated with the previously-listed quotes database services. No other network requests are performed by the app.

Data Storage

As a function of persistence between sessions, Basher will store a file containing a serialised object representing the state the app was in when it was last used, in the application private storage area within the active user's media directory. As a function of persisting user preferences, a small and simple key-value mapping is stored as User Preferences. No other data is stored by the app.

Third-Party Data Collection - Google

By virtue of being published on the Google Play store, certain data is automatically collected by the Google Play app itself, as well as the Google Play Services components. This data includes, but may not be limited to, whether the app has been installed, whether the app has been removed, whether the app has at any point crashed or frozen (as well as diagnostic information in these cases), app size when installed to your device, and probably more. These data points are collected by Google, stored by Google, and presented only to myself within the Google Play developer console. They are, to my knowledge, not used for any other purpose, and I cannot, to my knowledge, disable the collection of this data.