maff's site!

on the web!

Start as you mean to go on

Meta Linux Life

So for the millionth time, I'm starting a blog. Hopefully, this time I'll actually have stuff to write about. As a bit of an introduction, I'm Maff. I'm a computer science student, sysadmin and server support drone from Scotland. I'm also a bit of a designer, a developer and a security dork. I also love videogames, music and a whole host of other things.

I'm starting this blog in part because I want somewhere to document my pursuits (software or otherwise), but also as a place to post about the funny things that happen in real life, and as a place to rant. I may also post about the software I write, from time to time - I'm a semi-active developer over at github, and I'm the gentoo package maintainer for Monitorix.