colourful words and phrases

techy tangents and general life chatter from a tired sysadmin

Brief runs Mastodon v3.2.1 with minor customisations to available themes and functionality. The code which generates these customisations is posted at

Current Infrastructure

Running on three Alpine Linux VMs with Docker in Swarm mode, consists of the following.

  • Portainer stack - for swarm management and health-check APIs
  • Database - Postgres (postgres:9.6-alpine)
  • Web (2x), Streaming, Sidekiq queue runners (4x) - Mastodon (maffsie/qp-mastodon)
  • Task and cache storage - Redis (redis:alpine)
  • CDN - Minio (minio/minio:latest)
  • Front-end - Traefik (traefik:alpine)
  • Database read-only replica - Postgres (postgres:9.6-alpine)
  • Backup handler (compression, encryption, upload) - Duplicati (linuxserver/duplicati)


Future improvements to, and any longer-term plans, are listed below. Any entries listed with a 🥧 emoji are "pie-in-the-sky" and unlikely to be realised.

  • Re-add elasticsearch 🥧
  • HA Postgres setup 🥧
  • HA load-balancer setup 🥧
  • Switch to Kubernetes 🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧🥧